About me
My name is Paweł Bojanowski and I’m a software engineer based in Warsaw.
I started my career in 2016 in Risen., web and mobile software consulting company, where I was responsible for building backends for those, usually using Django & Django REST Framework, as most of the backends were just JSON-based web APIs.
After almost two years I joined Unit9, pretty cool digital, innovative production studio; I worked on few projects there, mostly web game backends with OnePlus Crackables as a highlight on my time there.
For almost two years I worked at Sauce Labs, where I was part of Core Services team, working mostly in Python & Go microservices deployed into public & private Kubernetes clusters.
Right now, I’m part of Elotl Inc., where we’re building Nodeless Kubernetes and other amazing tools to ease infra management, enable multi-cluster, multi-cloud environments and reduce infra cost.
- Intro to Virtual Kubelet - featuring KIP 03/29/2021 Golang Poland #12
- Buildscaler: An elastic Horizontal Pod Autoscaler framework for CI workloads with Henry Precheur 05/14/2022 Cloud Native Rejekts EU (Valencia) 2022
- Ligthining talk: E2E Testing of Kube Controllers - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly 10/23/2022 Cloud Native Rejekts NA (Detroit) 2022
- Kubernetes for Mac - run your Kubernetes workloads on MacOS worker nodes! 03/16/2023 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Berlin Meetup
- The missing piece of your GitOps pipeline with Selvi Kadirvel 04/17/2023 Cloud Native Rejekts EU (Amsterdam)
- Canary and Blue-Green Argo Rollouts made possible in a multi-cluster environment 10/06/2023 DevOps Days (Madrid)
- Oracle’s Ampere A1 Arm VMs: First impressions 05/26/2021 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Blog
- How Elotl Autoscales CI in Kubernetes with Buildkite & Amazon EKS 08/10/2021 Buildkite Blog
- Zmień na IT #3: Czy da się pracować w Sillicon Valley po skończeniu geografii? 09/02/2022 Hosted by Sebastian Opałczyński [polish]